NOMAD Mobile Fitness’ Indoor vs. Outdoor Gyms

With locations in Royal Palm Beach and Loxahatchee, NOMAD offers two distinct workout environments—one indoors and the other outdoors. Let’s explore the unique elements of each gym and shed light on the benefits they bring.

Indoor Gym in Royal Palm Beach:

NOMAD’s indoor gym in Royal Palm Beach boasts a blend of stationary cardio equipment, including rowers, assault bikes, and ski ergs. These machines are designed to provide a comprehensive full-body workout that targets both cardiovascular fitness and strength training.

  1. Cardiovascular Training: Machine Based

    • The rowers, assault bikes, and ski ergs offer low-impact yet highly effective cardio exercises.
    • Rowing engages multiple muscle groups, promoting endurance and calorie burn.
    • Assault bikes provide intense interval training, elevating your heart rate for optimal cardiovascular health.
    • Ski ergs simulate the motion of cross-country skiing, enhancing both cardiovascular and upper body strength.
  2. Strength Training: Free Weights 

    • The indoor gym prioritizes strength with a variety of equipment, allowing you to get stronger in your workouts over time.
    • Dumbbells, kettlebells, and resistance bands cater to all fitness levels, fostering muscle growth and toning.

Outdoor Gym in Loxahatchee:

NOMAD’s outdoor gym in Loxahatchee embraces the natural elements, blending functional fitness with the great outdoors. Here, you’ll find an emphasis on sleds, barbells, jump rope, and running, creating a unique workout experience that challenges both body and mind.

  1. Strength Training: SLEDs and Barbells

    • Sled workouts engage multiple muscle groups, providing a functional and dynamic strength-building experience.
    • Pushing or pulling sleds promotes power, speed, and agility, making it an excellent addition to any fitness routine.
    • When outdoors, many of the NOMAD workouts will incorporate the use of a barbell for strength training, incorporating the bar in squatting, deadlifting and the chest press. Free Weights can be used as an alternative.
  2. Cardiovascular Training: Calisthenics Based
    • The NOMAD outdoor workouts often incorporate jumping rope or other plyometrics, as well as running, as tools to improve cardiovascular health. 

Comparative Analysis:

  • Versatility:

    • The indoor gym shines with its array of equipment, offering a controlled environment for targeted workouts using stationary cardiovascular machines and free weights.
    • The outdoor gym, on the other hand, embraces the unpredictability of nature, and incorporates the use of SLEDs and barbells for strength training, and running and plyometrics for cardiovascular benefit.
  • Connection with Nature:

    • While the indoor gym caters to those who prefer a climate-controlled environment, the outdoor gym allows fitness enthusiasts to breathe in fresh air and soak up the natural surroundings.
  • Community Feel:

    • Both gyms foster a sense of community and camaraderie among members, creating a supportive environment for achieving fitness goals.

NOMAD Mobile Fitness’ indoor and outdoor gyms offer fitness enthusiasts the best of both worlds. Whether you crave the precision of machines and controlled environments or the SLEds and barbells used outdoors, NOMAD has options that cater to your fitness journey. Embrace the elements, challenge yourself, and discover the unique benefits each gym location brings to your pursuit of a healthier, stronger you. NOMAD Be Happy!